JULY 8th -  This Wednesdays ride out to Broughton WMC on the 10th July, has now been changed to the 11th. This is due to the England vs Holland Euro's match taking place on the 10th.

JULY 5th -  Those attending this Saturdays 6th of July Newark National Scooter Rally. The clubs day ride out will be leaving The Forge pub car park at around 10:30am, weather permitting.

MAY 31st -  Those attending Barlow Rally on  Saturday 1st June. We will be leaving Gunness Wharf at around 10:30am. See you bright and early!  

MAY 22nd -  The Wednesday night ride out to the White Hart in Bawtry, 22nd May, has been moved due to adverse weather. The ride out will now take place on the following day, the 23rd of May.

MAY 1st -  Skegness rally! Details for those attending the Saturday the 4th of May day ride out. The club will be leaving for the event at 9am and people wishing to join, should do so from the mortal ash hill lay-by located at the top.

APRIL 30th 
-  The Barlow Scooter & Classic Bike Show, tickets, are now available to purchase. Trev has made aware that prices are £7 for camping & £2 for day tickets up until 4:30pm. Camping space is limited to 100 pitches.

APRIL 3rd -  The first ride out of the 2024 season takes place tonight. We will be leaving for Epworth from Gunness Wharf at 6:30pm. Hope to see as many as possible there, and wrap up warm!

MARCH 20th -  Trev has asked to remind all those who are attending the clubs start of season do on the 30th March, to collect their tickets. Those who still need to collect tickets and do not, will lose out, as they will be sold on.

MARCH 5th -  The 2024 season ride out list has been fully updated and ready to view on the 2024 RIDE-OUTS page.

FEBRUARY 14th -  The 2024 season Wednesday night ride out list meeting, will be held on Tuesday 20th February at Ingleby Arms. All clubs and members welcome.

-  Any club members wishing to attend Messy scooter rally on August 2-4th, we now have our ticket allocation. Please see Trev or Stephen Webster if you would like any tickets.

FEBRUARY 7th 2024 - The website is currently undergoing updates ready for the 2024 season. Please check back soon for all the up to date events and ride out fixtures list.

The full years rallies worth of dates and events list can be found at the 2024 EVENTS page. (TBA)

Scooter Rallies 2024 Just Anounced - ScooterNova

September 20th 2021 - Ian "Whitey" Whitey's Birthday -

From Trev on the L&L Facebook page regarding info about Whiteys birthday "This Saturday it will be Whitey's heavenly birthday. We will be meeting at Gunness Wharf at 10:45am leaving at 11ish to lay our wreath, all welcome"

From Karen "Saturday would of been Ian White Whiteys birthday laying a wreath at about 11:30am, then on to Crown for opening time for a few drinks for him, everyone's welcome xx"

- Happy Birthday Whitey -


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